Immanuel proudly supports the work of Lutheran World Relief. Each year we assemble School Kits and Personal Care Kits that LWR distributes to needy areas in the world.
Other global mission partners have included: Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Kotte District of Papua New Guinea, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East (Russia), Feed My Starving Children MobilePacks, ELCA Missionaries, and Young Adults in Global Mission.
Immanuel is passionate about serving our local community Each autumn we host a Rummage Sale where our local neighbors can purchase clothing, household items, books, toys, and more, for extremely reasonable prices (most items are $.50).
Other local mission partners have included: Project Salina, Serenity House, The Homestead, Salina Food Bank, Spring Spruce Up, Child Advocacy and Parenting Services (CAPS), Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas (DVACK), Ashby House, and Camp Tomah Shinga in Junction City.
Prayer transcends religions, denominations, and belief systems of all kinds. It’s used in a multitude of ways: to seek comfort, make a request, ask for guidance, heal and restore, express sorrow, celebrate joy or give thanks. Praying as a group also fulfills our basic human needs: to connect, both with God and with one another. Immanuel has both a phone and an email prayer chain to lift up the prayers of those in need. If you would like to serve in this vital ministry at Immanuel, please contact the church office.
For Lutherans, worship stands at the center of our faith life. We gather. We encounter God’s word. We share a meal at the Lord’s table. And we are sent into the world. BUT, worship is not really about what we do. Worship is our response to what God has done and is doing.
Worship volunteers - ushers, greeters, readers, acolytes, communion assistants, children's sermons, and assisting ministers - are vital to our worship services. If you would like to serve, please contact the church office.
The Altar Guild is a volunteer group of members whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens. They also prepare the sanctuary for worship, and clean up afterwards. Altar Guild supervises the decoration of the sanctuary for Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter. If you would like to serve on Altar Guild, Please contact the church office.
Ministry Teams are the backbone of our congregation. These groups of volunteers support, plan, and implement the many ministries at Immanuel. To learn more our Ministry Teams, click below: