Messy Church - At Messy Church, all ages meet together to learn about Christ through games, crafts and activities, music, and storytelling from the Bible. A foundational ingredient of Messy Church is to gather around a table for a meal and build relationships with each other, God, and the world. Families and those young at heart are encouraged to come, have fun and learn at Messy Church! Messy Church is held monthly, typically on the first Wednesday from 5:30 to 7:00pm.
Sunday School - A preschool through lower elementary class is offered during the school year on Sunday mornings beginning around 10:45am.
Holy Baptism - Lutherans believe that at baptism we receive God's grace and are welcomed into God's Family. This is God's work, not our own. Lutheran baptisms typically occur shortly after a baby is born but we welcome everyone, regardless of age, to be baptized!
Holy Communion - Like Baptism, Communion is a gift of God's grace. All who believe that Jesus died and rose again for the forgiveness of our sin are welcome to receive Holy Communion. Families of young children are asked to speak with Pastor before receiving communion.
3rd Grade - Students receive Bibles on Reformation Sunday.
Confirmation Camp - Students who have completed 6th & 7th grade are expected to attend camp at Camp Tomah Shinga
7th & 8th Grades - Students participate in confirmation classes where the Bible and Small Catechism are studied.