Plans and coordinates worship. Responsible for the upkeep of pianos and organ. Provides hymnals and devotional material. Arranges for special music.
Assists our Deacon with the planning and implementation of our youth and education activities. Oversees Sunday School, Vacation Bible School and Youth activities.
Plans ways to support missions within our church, community, nation, and world. Plans and coordinates Hot Times, Fun in the City. Designates the special offerings for the year: Lent/Easter, Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas.
Plans ways to minister to our members and visitors. Encourages Immanuel members to witness to their faith in their daily lives. Plans and coordinates rummage sale, parade floats, and church sign.
Develops and initiates programs which educate the congregation in its understanding of life-long stewardship. Responsible for annual financial pledge drive and time & talent drive.
Oversees the financial affairs of the church, seeing that all obligations are met, reports and filings are submitted. Prepares a budget for council and congregation approval.
Receives and disburses memorial gifts. Maintains a list of suitable memorials which are needed in the congregation.
Oversees the care and maintenance of the church facility and grounds, as well as the parsonage.